Hello There...
VIBGYOR has been engaging photographers from across the Nation for the last nine years. It may sound a long journey so far, however, it still feels fresh, especially when we get motivated to launch a new endeavour. The onset of COVID-19 has affected the regular course of photography, where we used to charge the batteries, load the memory cards and set out for the shoot with our gears. It's time to step out, only and only when it is absolutely necessary. We at VIBGYOR, always value safety, much more prior to the urge of continuing the regular practice of passion. And we strongly believe in the fact that even though its time to stay indoors, there should be no disrespect to the love and affection towards what we love doing the best. Art has always been the most powerful tool, and we would like to encourage the usage more and more among our members.
So, on this occasion of World Photography Day 2021, we at VIBGYOR proudly introduce you to our library, which is named as BOOKSHELF.
Bookshelf is a library, maintained by VIBGYOR, where we have a physical book bank of a set of books, predominantly related to photography. We strongly believe, these books are a gem of a collection, where learning never ends. To motivate the urge of reading, we are also including books of various genres. One can lend any book of their choice to read it and return it back to us within a stipulated time, for a minimum charge of 10 INR per book. This service is meant to spread the knowledge of photography and pamper the art of reading.
We would sincerely like to mention about Better Photography magazine, who has supported us in this initiative with 12 years of editorial magazine of the esteemed magazine, to build the first major foundation of this book bank. to support us in this initiative. Also, we would like to thank the authors of Kitabnama, who have sponsored a copy of their book for this initiative.
Come...Let us share a book, and knowledge...
The bookshelf is now open.


This initiative is limited to the participants of India only.
First, the individual has to register with VIBGYOR Bookshelf.
Registration fee for one induvial is 800 INR
Once registered, the individual will receive his/her Digital VB ID Card
Once the card is issued, he/she may select any book from the list for reading.
Book(s) will be couriered to the member from Navi Mumbai through India Post (speed/register post).
Charges for the courier will be deducted from the security deposit.
Once the book is read, he/she must return back the book in the same address of Navi Mumbai.
Before sending back the book, please click the best article or the portion of the book, which you liked the most, and post it across social media by tagging VIBGYOR. This is to share knowledge and spread some more awareness.
1. Book(s) will be sent only to registered member.
2. At a time, one may opt to lend maximum 2 books.
3. Charges for the courier will be deducted from the security deposit.
4. Once the book reaches the member, he will have 30 days to return back the book(s).
5. Reminder for books will be sent to him/her on the 25th day.
6. If the book doesn't return to VIBGYOR within 45 days from the receipt by member, a penalty of 200 INR per book will be imposed. This will be deducted from the security deposit.
7. At any point of time, if the security deposit balance reduces to 500 INR or below, the member has to recharge the difference amount to raise the deposit to 800 INR to continue the membership.
8. At any point of time, if any member wants to withdraw the membership, full balance amount of the registration fee paid, will be returned back to the individual within 10 days from the application for the same.
9. Once a member opts to withdraw, he/she cannot join back the club for the next 6 months.
10. Books ordered are the sole responsibility of the member.
1. One can request for keeping the book for more than 30 days. However, this notice must come to VIBGYOR across mail to vibgyorfob@gmail.com, on or before the 24th day.
2. Maximum tenure that one can retain the book(s) is 30 days more (total 60 days)
3. In 1 year, one member can make such extension request for maximum 2 times.