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WEBGYOR 2: Module 2

Sat, 18 Jul



After Module-1 time to take up some deep dive, into advanced composition and techniques in photography.

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WEBGYOR 2: Module 2
WEBGYOR 2: Module 2

Time & Location

18 Jul 2020, 8:00 pm IST


About the Event


Module-2: Advanced Composition in Photography

What's new in WEBGYOR 2, compared to the previous session?

  • The sessions are based on topics, in a format of a coarse.
  • A limited number of seats
  • Only weekend sessions to accommodate along with official commitments
  • Technical quiz
  • Weekly assignments
  • one-to-one image reviewing
  • Completion certificate


  • Prior registration with full advance payment is mandatory.
  • Once registered, there will be no refund.
  • Registration is module wise, not topic/session wise.
  • Last date/time for registration for a module is 24 hours prior to the start time of the first day of the specific module
  • Registrations will not be accepted between a module. However, the form will be kept open to keeping a request (without payment). The module will be repeated only when there is a minimum of 10 number of such requests across the form.
  • Repeat module may/may not have a change in fee. The first module is on a discounted registration fee.   
  • The sessions are scheduled only on weekends, to allow maximum corporates to participate. Hence, no request to alter the schedule will be entertained.
  • In case of any emergency, if VIBGYOR reschedules any session, all participants will be intimated prior to 24 hours, and necessary measures will be taken up to accommodate all the registered candidates.
  • In case if someone misses a session in between, there will be no repeat for the same, and refund for that.
  • In case if he/she wants to redo that session when the module repeats, only for such special cases, individual session registration will be charged.
  • In the above case, each session is not charged equally/pro-rata basis but based on its content and hour of the session.
  • Hence, the registration fee will be specific to the session in concern.
  • For any module, a minimum of 10 registrations is mandatory. 
  • In case if that doesn’t happen, a full refund will be made to the participants.
  • For ensuring the security of all personal data of all participants, all the sessions will be held across the latest secured version of the Zoom V-5.0.4 version.   
  • VIBGYOR will open the meeting room exactly 15 minutes prior to the start of the day's session.
  • Participants must join the session at least 10 minutes prior to its start.    
  • The first 15 minutes, after the meeting room opens up, there will be an attendance check.
  • In case if joined with any other name, participants must rename to actual as per registration form. This is a mandate, that all participants must join zoom by keeping their registered name on display for attendance check.    
  • Exactly at the start time (as per schedule), VIBGYOR will close the meeting room and then start the session. Late entrants will not be able to join the session after that.   
  • Once the session starts, all VIBGYOR officials will keep their mobile phones in silent, to focus on the session. No phone calls during the session will be entertained.   
  • The back end team will keep a track of the internet speed and allied AV issues from VIBGYOR end. For any discrepancy, we will fix it immediately. So participants may not put up such messages from their end.   
  • Internet issues at the participant's receiving end are personal, VIBGYOR cannot take responsibility for that same. However, in the first 15 minutes, there will be a technical check.    
  • None of the participants will be allowed to switch on their mic/cam across the session.   
  • During the session, if anyone has any query specific to the topic of discussion, he/she may click on the option of "RAISE HAND" and wait for the mentor to get back to them.   
  • After the session, all questions to be asked across chatbox. Make sure there is only one question in one text message, with minimum words and crisp query   
  • During the session, if any participant is found to commit any form of misconduct, VIBGYOR will give one warning, and thereafter will remove that participant from the meeting room.   He/she will not be able to join that session further.
  • Recording of the sessions will not be shared to any participant under any circumstances   
  • The quiz will be held across  Kahoot platform, and it is preferred to keep an additional device like a mobile to play the quiz easily   
  • The quiz will be based on the day's session content only   
  • Assignments after each session will have a deadline for submission.    
  • Assignment should be submitted as instructed   
  • All assignments will be reviewed across personal mail response   
  • Selected images from the assignment will be showcased across the online image review on the last day for the overall improvement of the batch.   
  • On successful completion of one entire module, a digital certificate will be mailed to the participants.

Payment Options

1. Paytm to 9920773284

2. Google Pay to 9920773284

3. Internet baking

Axis Bank Details

Name: Indranil Mukherjee

Bank: Axis Bank

Branch: Parel, Mumbai

SB A/c No.: 910010036542294

IFSC Code: UTIB0001046

Branch Code: 001046  



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